HR Manager - Online Payroll Web Application

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HR Payroll Web Application

HR Manager - Online Payroll Web Application

HR Manager is a web application which is used for processing employee salary within an organization. It also manages leaves & tax implications on part of the employer and employees. It is a complete "Payroll Management System".

This can be integrated with our in house accounting management system, so not only is the salary processed but it's reflection in the company's accounting system is also done simultaneously.

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  • Employee Master: Exhaustive Employee Master Data. Facility to import Employee Master from Excel.
  • Salary Components: Unlimited Earning & Deduction components. Unlimited formula & conditions and unlimited slabs possible.
  • Attendance: Attendance data can be imported through Excel. Attendance data can optionally include leave and Over Time details.
  • Standard Reports: The standard reports available in HR Manager are Pay Slip, Pay Sheet, Mode Of Pay Statement (Cash, Cheque & A/c Transfer), PT Report, ESI Report, PF Report, PF Calculation Report, Pay Statement-Summary, TDS Report, TDS Report - Summary, IT Computation sheet, IT Computation Sheet Horz. Out of these reports Pay Slip can be sent through email from the package.
  • Statutory Reports: The statutory reports available are IT (Form 16, Form 12BA & Form 24Q eTDS), ESI ( Form5, Form 6 & Form 7), PF (Form 3-A, Form 6-A, Form 10, Form 5 & Form 12-A), PT (monthly & annual returns)
  • Special Reports: The special reports available in HR Manager are consolidated IT Computation sheet.
  • Query Builder: A powerful utility using which user can generate reports by creating queries on Employee, Salary and YTD data. User can further define different criteria (filter, sort, group by & formula) using the available fields for the query created.
  • Income Tax: The web application is delivered with the latest IT calculation rules. New investment/saving & Other Income components can be defined by user. Salary Processing: Salary can be processed Division, Branch, Location or Department wise. New employees, Resignations, LOP, Reverse LOP, Inactive employees, Arrears and Adjustments are taken care of during salary processing.
  • Settlement: HR Manager handles Full and Final Settlement and can be done any time after resignation/retirement details entry. Based on the last day present, last salary paid, enhanceable leave & loan balance, notice period given etc., the final settlement is done.
  • Leave Module: Leave and Leave types can be defined by the user. Leave data is available for formula creation.
  • User Access Control: Administrator can define different user groups with different functional level access. Also for each function, different privileges can be given (Add, Edit, Delete).
  • Utilities: Built-in Complete Back-up / Complete Restore, Compress Database, Check & Correct Database, Purge Data, User defined Document Designer, Update Version etc are some of the utility functions available in HR Manager.
  • Import / Export of Data: Almost all the inputs to the system (Employee Master, Attendance, Salary details, IT entries etc) can be imported to HR Manager from Excel file. Similarly almost all the outputs are available in Excel, PDF etc forms.
  • Database Size and Speed: HR Manager uses MS SQL Server at the back-end. This is a full fledged RDBMS package and is capable of handling large data without affecting speed.
  • Implementation & Support: The implementation and customization normally takes one week - one month (depending on the time taken by the customer to provide the required data in the prescribed format in Excel). AV Solutions processes one month data and send the processed data (Pay Slip, Pay Sheet etc) for verification by customer. Once the data is found correct, the implementation is done. The company gives all necessary back-end support through email/phone afterwards.

Advantages of the application are

  • It is a simple and effective solution with highly evolved methodology which addresses an organization's needs more relevant.
  • The application provides a complete suite of solution to design / develop HR policies and improve effectiveness by organizational restructuring
  • Manages the entire information of the Employees from the time they joined. Simple to learn & operate by non-computer background users.
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