School Manager is an integrated web application which stores all the data of the students studying in a particular educational institution. This data can be their personal information, performance & academic record over the years, fee related, transport, canteen, student kit, new admission, communication, accounts, crm etc.
Delenate is a manage tasks assigned to yourself or your team members within the organization. Every member becomes accountable & responsible to finish the jobs assigned by his peers / boss within the stipulated date, which also benefits him during his / her appraisal. Delenate offers to manage tasks assigned to yourself & your colleagues in an organization.
Learn MoreSwiftBuy is an easily customizable SaaS based e-commerce platform which helps business owners to run their online store without any botheration of paying expensive fees to set up and maintainence charges. You can sell fashion, electronics, sporting goods, furniture, even food. Easy to use interface to get your shopping site going in minutes !! Get a personalized web address to promote your shopping site !! Work without any headache of maintaining the server, and incurring huge expenses every month.
Learn MoreHR Manager is a SaaS based web application which can be used for processing salary of the employees within an organization. It not only processes salary of the employees, but also manages leaves, tax implications on part of the employer and employees. The application would be customized as per the salary structure & heads followed by the company.
The backbone of every company is its happy & satisfied customers. A company grows only when it's customer base increases. Vantage CRM helps you to mainatin a happy & healthy relationship with not just your existing customers, but also helps build new customers in your kitty. Whether you choose to market through billboards, flyers, digital marketing, television ads or a combination of the methods, this tool would come very handy. This is also a SaaS based application, csutomized to suit your exact needs.
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